6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences: One Single Planet in Los Cabos
Join the6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences in Los Cabos, Mexico, from November 12 to 15. Discover environmental topics, participate in activities, and contribute to a sustainable future. Register and submit your abstracts to be part of this important event.
CIMA 2025 EN
5/8/20245 min read
The Environmental Network (REMA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico, INVITES you to the 6th International Conference of the Environmental Network Research Group of the IPN.
The Organizing Committee of CIMA 2025 is pleased to invite all researchers, professors, students, industry professionals, and environmentalists to attend the 6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences (CIMA 2025), which will take place from November 12 to 15, 2025, in the coastal tourist city of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Due to high global demand and leveraging advanced technological tools, the event will be held in a hybrid format, allowing participation both in person and online, facilitating exchange and interaction among attendees.
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is composed of researchers and professionals distinguished in each of the specific topics of the conference.
CIMA 2025 Research Awards
The "CIMA 2025 Award for Young Researchers" will be granted in all thematic areas.
Each thematic area will have one award.
Awards will differ for oral and poster presentations (student and professional awards will be separate).
Student participants must be under 35 years old and the first author of the article to be presented (proof of student or postgraduate/professional status must be provided).
Participants may only compete in one thematic area; multiple registrations will be automatically rejected.
The participating author must indicate in the abstract/registration form whether they are competing for an award or if it is a general presentation.
Participating authors must be registered and submit a full article in Spanish or English for publication by the stipulated deadline (see calendar for important dates).

Options for Publishing Abstracts / Full Articles
Only in the Conference Proceedings (Link on the website)

Book Proposal for Springer Verlag
Scientific Communication - Peer - Reviewed Open Access Publications

Submit before August 31, 2025.
Authors may submit their full article once they have received the acceptance letter for their abstract. The editors of the special volume will decide on the different publishing options based on the topic and content of the proposed article.
Presentation at the Conference
The full program with sessions and schedules will be published on the conference website soon.
Participants must confirm their virtual participation by October 15, 2025.

Virtual Presentation (Oral Mode Only)
Participation Certificates: Will only be awarded to those who are confirmed and connected during all three days of the event.
Before the event, authors may be contacted to verify the quality of their internet connection and other technical aspects.
Certificates for General Participants: Will be granted through registration on the official YouTube channel of the event. It is necessary to connect using the registered email address.
Poster Presentation (In-Person Mode Only)
Sessions: Poster sessions will take place at specific times.
Setup: Authors must install their posters at the beginning of their assigned day and arrive 10 minutes before the session starts.
Poster Size: 90 cm wide by 120 cm tall.
Materials and Space: Organizers will provide panels and materials for the exhibition.
Poster Registration: Must be completed on-site at the time and location defined in the event program.
Oral Presentation (In-Person and Virtual)
Oral presentations will be held in technical sessions.
Duration: Each presentation will have a 15-minute limit, with an additional 5 minutes for questions and discussions, coordinated by the moderators of each session.
Resources available for in-person presentations: A computer and multimedia projector will be provided.
Basic Recommendations for Presentations
The presentation must adhere to the 15-minute time limit.
PowerPoint is recommended. For in-person presentations, the file should be submitted on a USB drive; for virtual presentations, it should be sent in advance via email to avoid technical issues.

Payment Details
General Public (Registration before August 31, 2025)
$ 3,800.00 MXN
$ 1,500.00MXN
$ 250.00 USD
$ 175.00 USD
General Public (Registration after August 31, 2025)
$ 4,200.00 MXN
$ 1,750.00MXN
$ 275.00 USD
$ 200.00 USD
Students (Registration before August 31, 2025)
$ 1,500.00 MXN
$ 750.00MXN
$ 150.00 USD
$ 100.00 USD
Students (Registration after August 31, 2025)
$ 1,750.00 MXN
$ 1,250.00MXN
$ 175.00 USD
$ 130.00 USD
REMA Members (Registration before August 31, 2025)
$ 2,800.00 MXN
$ 1,800.00MXN
REMA Members (Registration after August 31, 2025)
$ 3,300.00 MXN
$ 1,800.00MXN
For issuing official receipts/invoices, it is recommended to send a copy of the deposits made directly via email.
The in-person registration kit includes:
Free participation in the three-day event.
Conference kit, including the conference proceedings volume (abstracts only - in PDF format), program, participation certificate, and local coffee service during the event.
The virtual online registration fee includes: Conference proceedings volume (abstracts only - in PDF format), program, and participation certificate.
Carr. Transpeninsular Km. 29, La Jolla, 23400 San José del Cabo, B.C.S.
To be determined
The 6th International Conference of the Environmental Network Research Group of IPN will be held in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Krystal Grand Los Cabos
Special discounts will be applied for event participants (indicate your participation in the registration form) in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Frequent direct flights are available from Mexico City (MEX) to Los Cabos International Airport (SJD), as well as from other major airports in the United States of America.
To be determined
To be determined
Nearby Hotels
Aviso proximamente ...
Distance to the Event (km)
Pre-Conference Courses: November 7, 2025
More information about the pre-conference courses will be published soon.
Tours in Los Cabos City and Surrounding Regions, Mexico:
Information about local tours in Los Cabos and its surroundings will be available on the following websites:
Abbreviations of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
CBG: Centre for Genomic Biotechnology
CIIEMAD: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Environment and Development
CEPROBI: Centre for the Development of Biotic Products
CICATA: Centre for Research in Applied Science and Advanced Technology
CIIDIR: Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Integral Development
CIITA: Innovation and Integration Centre for Advanced Technologies
ENCB: National School of Biological Sciences
ENMH: National School of Medicine and Homeopathy
ESEO: School of Nursing and Obstetrics
ESIA: School of Engineering and Architecture
ESIME: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
UPIBI: Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Biotechnology
UPIICSA: Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering, Social and Administrative Sciences
UPIIZ: Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering
Learn more abouth the 6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences (CIMA 2025).
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