6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences Abstracts

Discover detailed instructions for submitting your abstracts to the 6th International Conference on Environmental Sciences (CIMA 2025). Learn about formatting requirements, key dates, available templates, and how to ensure your work is accepted for publication at the event. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this renowned scientific forum taking place in Los Cabos, Mexico. Submit your abstract and be part of the change towards a more sustainable planet.

CIMA 2025 EN

1/23/20252 min read

Instructions for Submitting Abstracts to CIMA

Abstract Submission Period

The submission period will be open from November 11, 2024, to May 31, 2025. Abstracts must be submitted in the specified format (see template), using a 12-point font size and Times New Roman font style. The title must be centered, in uppercase, and bold. After leaving a blank line, the names of the authors should be listed using the initials of the first name(s) and full last name(s). The presenting author's name must be underlined (use the indicated format).

Author Affiliations and Details

Each author's affiliation should be indicated by a number and placed at the end of the authors' names, leaving a blank line between them. The email address of the presenting author or corresponding author of the work must be provided (the acceptance notification will only be sent to this email).

Abstract Structure

The abstract must be fully justified, single-spaced, and should not exceed 250 words in a single paragraph. Scientific names of species or any special names should be written in italics. Document margins must be 2.5 cm on all sides. Abstracts should not include bibliographic references and must cover the following sections: brief introduction, objective, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Below the abstract, up to five keywords must be included, separated by semicolons (;).

Publication of Accepted Abstracts

All accepted articles must be presented, and their abstracts will be published in the conference through three different formats:

  1. Conference abstract volume, which will include all the articles presented at the conference.

  2. Full article (in English) in a special book of the conference published by Springer Verlag.

  3. Full article (in Spanish), to be published in a special issue of Comunicación Científica Publicaciones Arbitradas (Open Access Digital), Mexico.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be sent via email to the following addresses: congresocima@ipn.mx; conferencesjmp@yahoo.com. The author must specify in the subject line of the email the topic under which the abstract should be included and which thematic line is most appropriate for their proposal. The mode of presentation (oral or poster) must also be indicated. However, the scientific committee will select the most suitable format for the scientific work received, taking into account both the topics specified by the author and the work's content.

Rejection Criteria

If the scientific evaluation committee determines that a submitted work is too similar to another previously presented or published at another scientific forum, it will be immediately rejected based on the following criteria:

  • High similarity between the works.

  • Lack of new contributions to the field of study.

  • The article will be definitively rejected if two or more committee members share this opinion.

  • The topic does not correspond to the thematic lines specified.

  • Failure to meet the required scientific quality standards.

Presentation Conditions

Once the abstract is accepted by the scientific review committee, it will be included in the abstract volume without modifications, as submitted by the authors. Furthermore, the abstract must be written in both languages. Abstract acceptance will be communicated by email to the corresponding author, as indicated in the abstract, after May 31, 2025. The presentation of the article at the conference is conditional upon at least one of the authors registering for the event by October 15, 2025, according to the indicated categories. Articles by authors who fail to register will be removed from the conference proceedings. Author registration allows for the presentation of up to two articles at the event. Submitted articles must be unpublished and presented for the first time at this scientific forum.